jeudi 3 janvier 2013

Simple and Effective Tutorial On How To Hack a Facebook Account !

Okay folks, today I'm going to explain the easiest and the baby-simple method that will allow you to successfully hack a facebook account, no advanced computing knowledge is required this time as your going to do something really basic; creating fake accounts ! Please bear in mind that not all Facebook accounts are eligible for this process. You are probably aware that one of facebook's password recovery method is basically to get help from three friends, here is what facebook says about it :
What does it mean to recover my account through friends? Recovering your account through friends is a secure alternative for proving your identity when you can’t remember your password and can't access any of the email accounts connected to your Facebook account. Because your privacy and security are very important, we can only reset your account login information after we carefully check your identity.
Alright ! Some of you already got an idea about how this hacking process is going to be, if you didn't, you're going to understand it : 1. Firstly, you have to create three facebook accounts, I know this is a really time consuming method, but definately worth trying. Make sure the accounts you created are the less suspicious possible add a bunch of photos, make publications, add fake friends here and there... etc 2. Once you're done with the accounts add your target to your facebook friendlist, but just don't add him/her with your three accounts in the same ! Your target may find it really suspicious and won't approve your friend invite, so you better take your time and don't do anything "stupid". 3. Now comes the most important step, make a password recovery on Facebook for your targets account, BUT not so fast there is still a problem, a really complicated one, your target will be notified by email that he (or she) has forgotten his facebook password, hence you have to choose the right moment to make that password recovery, for example when your target is in vacations or may be having an exams... Anything that keeps away your target from being on facebook. Follow those three steps and you will successfully hack facebook accounts, most account have the "get help from friends" enabled in case of hacking or stollen passwords, thank you for reading and good luck ! Facebook Hacker

jeudi 18 février 2010

Hack Facebook Passwords is now Possible !

How can I Hack Facebook Passwords?

Most of people are asking this question nowadays, ... Why do they ? lol
The most important reason is a spousal infidelity suspecting or Significant Other Half, in this case, hacking into their facebook account becomes "legitimate". So how is it done? A simple search on "How To hack Facebook passwords" Facebook Hacker" or "Hack facebook account" will give 10k of thousands of results, if not more, the question is, how do you sort through this maze in full ? That's where this article comes, I will review how to hacking the email is actually done and how you can do yourself - always for legitimate reasons.

There are two main ways through witch you can hack into email accounts:

Method 1: A keylogger

A keylogger is a program that is installed on your computer and secretly record all keystrokes typed on your keyboard that you could use if you share a computer with your beloved after their connection to their account, see the word password they typed. There are many drawbacks to this technique, as you can not see the password if your loved one uses another remote computer to log into his email account. Another disadvantage is the technical knowledge necessary to install such a system keylogging correctly and execute it in a reasonable time.

Method 2 of Hiring a Hacker

This second method, although slightly more expensive is also more reliable and faster way to recover a password account facebook. These services will be effectively recover the password itself for you that takes less than 24 hours or we will provide you with an easy to use software that will allow you an unlimited amount of facebook (and other) words passes for a very reasonable onetime fee.

How do these services?

They exploit vulnerabilities in the base of facebook, which allows them to manipulate and retrieve passwords Facebook account in a time very short, usually less than 3 minutes per account when using their software. Two of these services that hackers have tried and can vouch for their reliability and discretion are:

The most reliable service - very reasonable prices, phone support, fast service - Facebook Password Hacking offers software packages that will allow you to hack your way in any account of your choice Facebook, allowing you to hack passwords facebook in less than 60 seconds per account.

I really hope this article helped you get a step closer to hacking passwords effectively facebook account, for legitimate reasons.

Information on hacking other accounts:


Discover how passwords Hack facebook. remote Hack facebook or Email password. Best way passwords Hack Facebook. Facebook Hacking Made Easy

Facebook Password Hacking

How to Hack Facebook:
Download Facebook Hacking Software

File size: 507 Ko
Works on Windows XP/Vista/7

How to Hack ICQ:

How to Hack Skype:

How to Hack Gmail:

How to Hack MSN Hotmail:

How to Hack Twitter:

How to Hack Myspace:

How to Hack Yahoo Mail:

How to Hack Aol Mail:

How to Hack Hi5:

samedi 13 février 2010

Comment hacker un compte facebook ?

Comment hacker facebook ? ou bien comment pirater le mot de passe d'un facebook ?

ceux ci sont les questions que se posent des millions d'internautes, sachez bien que beaucoup de personnes sont prêts à tout faire pour avoir le mot de passe d'un facebook, pour divers raison.

l'une des raisons et la plus commune est: espionner son/sa conjoint(e)
ou alors pour se venger de quelqu'un qui vous a offencer d'une quelconque manière... bref des raisons comme ça il y en a plusieurs...

Et bien vous allez être content aujourd'hui, j'ai pour vous les solutions et les plus efficaces !

La première méthode: Utiliser un troyen ou un keylogger cette méthode est à utiliser si et seulement si vous voulez hacker le facebook d'une personne de votre famille ou qui utilise un ordinateur dont vous ayez un accès physique.

La deuxième méthode: (la méthode en or!) Louer un hacker autrement dit demander aux professionels !

Un des sites les plus connus et le meilleur est Perfect Hacker qui propose des services de piratages de mot de passe des comptes facebook/hack compte facebook à des prix symboliques!
allez-y rendez vous sur Perfect Hacker

Bon, voilà, j'espère seulement que tout lecteur de cet article va garder ça bien en secret. Amusez-vous mais pas trop quand même ! ;)

Mots clés:
Hacker un facebook
Hack d'un compte facebook
Hack d'un profil facebook
Comment pirater un facebook
Comment hacker un facebook
Pirater mot de passe facebook
pirater un compte facebook
Pirater Facebook Password